Here are the posts that interested people the most this year, via two lists: the most viewed posts and the most commented on posts.
Most viewed posts of 2019:
10. I’m distracted by my coworker’s very visible cleavage
9. Here’s a real-life example of a fantastic cover letter
8. What’s the worst case of helicopter parenting you’ve seen at work?
7. My coworker saw the Excel sheet I use to track his sick days
6. Some men in my office refuse to be alone with women
5. We have twice-daily mandatory group therapy at work
4. My boss pees in a cup and dumps it in the kitchen sink
3. What’s the pettiest thing you’ve done at work (or seen done)?
2. How much money do you make?
1. My coworkers complained that the look of my breasts post-mastectomy is making them uncomfortable
Most commented on posts of 2019:
(doesn’t include open threads or “ask the readers” posts, which otherwise would hold many of the top 10 places)
10. My coworker lied about her entire resume — should I tell anyone?
9. Some men in my office refuse to be alone with women
8. My coworkers complained that the look of my breasts post-mastectomy is making them uncomfortable
7. My office thinks I insulted a coworker, colleague refuses to take my input, and more
6. I’m uncomfortable with my coworkers’ names, crying when laying someone off, and more
5. My coworker doesn’t want me to have a communal candy dish because of temptation
4. I’m distracted by my coworker’s very visible cleavage
3. Coworkers say we shouldn’t attend a work party, I feel insulted by my new job, and more
2. Coworker assumes we’ll give him rides, can I fire a new hire for being pregnant, and more
1. Our traditionally male company has an annual golf trip — but our new female employees don’t play
most popular posts of 2019 was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager