8 Ways to Promote Employee Value Proposition to Your Organization

8 Ways to Promote Employee Value Proposition to Your Organization | CareerMetis.com

Employees are an integral part of any organization- small or large. Therefore, it’s imperative to promote employee value proposition to an organization. High productivity, a sense of loyalty and minimal attrition rates are something that every organization strives for.

And the only way to ensure these three elements to a great extent is when you promote employee value proposition to an organization.

The Herculean Task

If you’re a business owner, Human Resources Manager or decision-maker, you might wonder what are the top ways to promote an employee’s value to an organization. There’re lots of myths as well as a few time-tested and proven practices to do so.

However, given our modern corporate culture and cut-throat competition combined with pressures that an employee faces, promoting employee value proposition to an organization often proves a Herculean task.

Therefore, let’s look at some conventional and unconventional top ways to promote an employee’s value to an organization. You could adapt these to suit your location, nature of the business, employee demographics and other vital parameters.

In this article, I’ll guide you on these top ways to promote employee value proposition to your organization, from my own experience and those of other decision-makers, HR managers and industry experts. But first, let’s comprehend what the term ‘employee value proposition to an organization’ actually implies. And its various consequences.

Defining Employee Value Proposition to an Organization

That’s the first thing to do.

1) Start with the Recruitment Process

Every organization recruits or hires employees when a new vacancy arises due to reasons ranging from the expansion of business to forays into a newer market, among others. Furthermore, companies also recruit to fill the void caused by the exit of any employee for any reason.

You’re hiring because you require the services of an employee. The organization needs someone to perform certain specific tasks and endeavors to hire the right talent from the vast job market. And once this recruitment process is complete, the organization spends time, effort and resources in molding the new employee to fit into its corporate culture.

2) The Cost of Employee’s Value

Dynamics of this process will reveal, the entire chain entails a cost for the organization. Not only in terms of money but also in effort and time. Obviously, no employee can hit the road running, whether it’s selling donuts and coffee or creating complex engineering designs.

Therefore, organizations seek to indirectly recover these expenses from the employee or fresh recruit. Performance and productivity are the only metrics upon which they can astutely judge an employee’s value to the organization.

3) Retention is Key

However, a highly motivated and productive employee doesn’t herald the end of this process for employers. In fact, it ushers an altogether new set of processes in another paradigm of human resources management.

Unless an organization takes specific and measurable actions, the value of the employee diminishes over a time span. And that’s what organizations need to be wary about.

Unless they strive to promote employee’s value, organizations can face five specific scenarios.

  • Employee attrition.
  • Low productivity.
  • Abject demoralization at all echelons.
  • Inability to retain market position.
  • Overall retardation of the organization that could lead to closure.

Obviously, no organization willingly and wittingly wishes to fall prey to these afflictive scenarios. Hence, it’s imminent to adopt top ways to promote employee’s value to an organization, through these conventional and unconventional practices.

8 Ways to Promote Employee Value Proposition to Your Organization | CareerMetis.com

Promoting Employee Value Proposition to an Organization

This brings us to the question, what are the best and top ways to promote employee value proposition to an organization.

Obviously, there’re no set rules or answers to this corporate conundrum. Because each organization is unique by nature. However, you can adapt these ways to promote employee value proposition to your organization.

4) Provide Digital Skills

There’s a famous quote by Bill Gates, Founder & CEO, Microsoft. He says: “Unless your business is on the Internet your business will soon go out of business.” I’m a firm believer in this adage. A look at Internet proliferation figures worldwide will prove that eCommerce in Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer sectors is on the surge by the second.

Surely, your organization would have an online presence. And if it doesn’t, it’s high time to get online. For obvious reasons.

Therefore, the first way to promote employee value proposition to an organization is by providing them digital skills. There’s a wide spectrum of digital skills your organization and provide employees to add value. Top among these rank digital marketing, Artificial Intelligence for specific processes, data analytics and online Customer Management Systems.

This is possible by sending select employees for a good digital marketing course, which are fairly inexpensive. These employees would acquire specific skills such as optimizing your online presence through your website, implement social media strategies, email marketing, and promotions as well as data analytics.

Any employee whom you equip with such skills would definitely add immense value to the organization. Because these are economic resources that allow an organization to gain that head-start over competitors.

Understandably, this is an unconventional way to promote employees’ value to an organization. However, these skills will withstand the test of time and can propel an organization into the next generation of operations.

5) Monthly Appraisal of All Departments

While working for a European shipping giant in Corporate Communications, there was a superb practice the top boss had implemented. At a meeting of all staff held on the last Friday of the month, this senior executive would read the performance of every department. She would appraise each department on the basis of target achieved during the month, to attain the overall annual objective. Of course, this appraisal would be given beforehand by various department heads, including myself.

There would be no criticism of any department or any individual. However, the mere appraisal of proximity to the target would spur employees and department heads to exert extra efforts or rework strategies to step up productivity. It would lead to better cooperation and coordination between various departments to achieve a set annual target.

These monthly appraisals of the department would work wonders. It would instill a sense of team spirit and belong among rank and file. And the increase in cooperation and coordination would ensure everyone exerts extra efforts- either to meet targets or exceed them, as the case merits.

I’m highlighting this example because it would promote employee value proposition to an organization. Her meetings clearly sent the message across that each team member, regardless of seniority or function, is equally valuable to the overall profitability of the organization.

6) Work from Home Opportunities

Over five percent of America’s workforce works from home, says Bureau of Labour Statistics of the Federal government. And this number will grow exponentially within the next five years, according to projections by BLS and other agencies. Now, this requires some serious consideration.

Why are an increasing number of organizations allowing their employees to work from home? This is the first question to ask if you’re looking at ways to promote employee value proposition to an organization. There’re several answers and most of them point towards one fact: promoting employee’s value to an organization.

The surge in real estate prices and infrastructure render it difficult for thousands of organizations to open branch offices at multiple locations. Therefore, they’re hiring remote workers or telecommuters- meaning people that work from home. There’s a lot for companies hiring remote workers other than merely saving costs on leasing or buying office space.

For one, remote workers enable companies to hire from a very vast talent pool that’s available across the country. And it permits telecommuters the flexibility to choose work hours.

But there’s lots more. On average, a single American worker spends about 200 hours every year only on commutes. In countries such as India, this figure is much higher, with urban dwellers commuting for as many as four hours a day or even more.

These long commutes stress employees even before they commence the day’s work. The result is a loss of productivity.

Furthermore, telecommuters are known to enjoy better lifestyles and earn more money as a result of higher productivity and flexible working hours.

Therefore, to promote employee value proposition in your company, try offering the work from home option, where possible. Especially if your organization will be expanding to distant markets.  By offering to telecommute jobs, you’re actually adding employee value proposition to the organization. Not only is the organization able to save costs of leasing or buying office space but also enjoy higher productivity.

Attrition rates among telecommuters are also relatively lower than regular office-going employees. Therefore, one of the top ways to promote employee value proposition to an organization is definitely through remote work or telecommute, work-from-home jobs.

7) Transparent Management Systems

A transparent management system is one of the topmost ways to promote employee value proposition to an organization. Understandably, some level of opacity is necessary because an organization cannot pass sensitive information down the echelons. By transparent management systems, I’m implying clear policies related to matters that directly impact an employee and her or his welfare.

Lack of transparency in various issues pertaining to employees is one of the main causes of attrition. Unless an organization has well-defined rules and regulations to inform every employee about its vision, mission, the role of the employee, rewards and penalties and other important issues, there’s ample scope for disgruntlement. Often, employees may believe that some decision is arbitrary and might feel their interests are not taken care of.

Therefore, any HR manager of the Administration Manager has to take on the task of keeping every employee updated on any shifts in policies as well as the financial health of the company, when necessary.

Rumors and misinformation reign supreme at organizations that don’t have a transparent management system. Because information doesn’t filter down to people that matter. This cascades as insecurity and tempts excellent employees to seek secure jobs elsewhere.

Complete opacity and complete transparency aren’t necessary for modern-day management to promote employee value proposition to an organization. Instead, an astute blend of both serves an organization as well as every employee much better.

8) Job v/s Career

Something that HR and Admin managers neglect nowadays for reasons unknown is defining employees that are doing their job and employees that are building a career. Understandably, distinguishing between the two is an arduous task because there’re obviously no obvious signs. What should you as an HR or Admin manager do in such cases to promote employee value proposition to an organization.

My answer is simple: separate wheat from the chaff. Or identify employees that are mere workers and those serious about developing a career.

This isn’t quite as easy as I say. Yet, it’s possible. A review of Resume or CVs of employees will give you a slight idea of who’s building a career and who’s merely doing a job. Because those doing jobs would most likely have several career changes on their Resume or CV. Another way is observing those who are building long-term relationships with clients, suppliers and business associates and those whose dealings are cursory.

Because an employee building a career will have objectives that coincide or run parallel to those of the organization. It doesn’t matter if they’re not outstanding employees because they’re not in a race to gain incentives and promotions. Instead, they’re doing something that’s genuinely enabling the organization to surge forward.

Once you know who’s there to build a career, it’s easy to form a core team. And this core team usually promotes employee value proposition to an organization. You can invest in developing various talents of employees that are building their career.

Again, that doesn’t mean you terminate those who are merely doing a job. Far from that. Instead, like HR or Admin manager, you can take various steps to highlight that such employees can look forward to a fruitful and rewarding career with the organization rather than jumping jobs at regular intervals mainly for money and designations.

8 Ways to Promote Employee Value Proposition to Your Organization | CareerMetis.com

In Conclusion

Personally, I hold that an employee-employer relationship is sacrosanct. No organization can survive without employees, save a one-man-show neighborhood ice cream vendor.  Therefore, the best thing to do is to try and promote the employee value proposition to an organization. You’ll help both employees and the organization.

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