Earphone buying guide 2020

Buying a good quality earphone eases life to a great extent. And if you kind of missed the updates, then let us tell that market has brought in some really cool design, functionality, cable types, wired and wireless options. So, here we are talking about the same, this is the simplest and comprehensive earphone buying guide 2020, yes new year has started so its also updated!!!!!So, what are we waiting for lets get started🕺

1. Quality

Almost all the time you would see or hear the term extra BASS.The Sub and Lower frequencies are what we know as Bass or low-end. Bass lies at the base of our listening capability or the ‘low end’ of our audio frequency range.Extra Bass often implies that It automatically raise the lower frequencies.So, actually it gives you a better experience and sort of cancel noise.

2. Cable Types

Now that also are of two types-Ear-Clip Design and Behind the ear design which one is better is to each its own. Runners do prefer Behind the ear design as its more handy, but traditional ear-clip design is still used maximum as its more comfortable,longer wire and more convenient. Now, these two also comes with ‘ with mic’ and ‘without mic’ options. Always choose mic ones, are tiny bit costly but you would definitely need them!

3. Wireless Options

Wireless earphones are  a great alternative to bluetooth infact. The major issue with bluetooth is that it is only for one ear and hence can damage ear more whereas with wireless earphone since same volume is penetrating both the earlobes its safer. Also, for running, gyming its the best thing. So, wireless earphones in a way are behind the ear design earphone to make it more handy and easy to use.

So, this was a mini earphone buying guide! Which are you considering now😋

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