Practicable Tips to Get More Followers on Instagram

Illustration of a woman watering a plant that has social media icons—hashtags, verified checkmarks, @ symbols, etc.—as leaves.

Have you ever thought about why so many people are so obsessed with Instagram likes and followers? Is that our perpetual caving for attention and recognition? Or just the desire to satisfy our vanity? Of course, slews of social media users would die to have 100K followers and tons of likes beneath their photos. But it’s not only vanity and a thirst for fame that make people buy Instagram likes in the attempt to build a highly followed account. Any good entrepreneur knows that getting attention from Instagram is crucial for the success of their business venture. Lots of brands and companies invest much money and effort into building effective marketing strategies that can help them score more followers and thus bring solid revenues. And we bet you’re also preoccupied with this “how to get more Instagram followers” idea. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have landed on this page. So, let us instruct you in the subtleties of Instagram marketing and offer some simple but workable tips that will help you amass more followers on Instagram. 

Get to Know Your Audience 

The main mistake a good many beginner entrepreneurs make is starting to follow multiple users indiscriminately with the only purpose – to make as many people as possible pay their attention to their services or products advertised on Instagram. But that’s the way to nowhere. Millions of active Instagram users get bombarded with countless follower requests, but very few are omnivorous enough to accept all of them. Begging every random user to follow you on Instagram will do you no good, so take your time to figure out who is that person eager to interact with your brand. You need to define your demographic, familiarize yourself with the scope of their interests, and know why and how often your potential followers use Instagram. Once you make sure that this or that user is a good fit, start acting. 

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Work with Micro-Influencers 

You may be surprised to learn that they are not macro influencers that play the first fiddle on the Instagram. Most social media analysts and marketers note that building a strong partnership with micro-influences is a key to successful development of business. Thus, we highly recommend that you set your sights on micro influencers such as travel, fashion, DIY, and lifestyle bloggers. Don’t aim too high from the very start. Very popular influences may charge you too much for promoting your brand, which can be an unaffordable luxury for a beginner entrepreneur. Consider teaming up with the promising influences who haven’t got millions of followers so far but whose popularity is growing steadily. 

Longer Captions – More Followers 

Attracting followers can be tricky. But the following trick will help you interest more, much more people on Instagram. 

It’s not a secret that Instagram users are greedy for everything extraordinary, bright, outspoken, and garish. To attract more customers to your product, make sure to accompany your photos or videos with long, eye-catching captions. 

State of Instagram Influencer Marketing Report: Caption Length & Engagement

Let you future followers get to know your brand better. Provide detailed descriptions of your services or products. Spice up those descriptions with some interesting facts or anecdotes. Provoke thoughts, challenge, ask, and make your followers interact with you. Create your brand story and maintain its consistent personality. Also, add more interesting content regularly to keep your audience’s interest alive. 

Pay More Attention to Your Profile 

Treat your profile as your website’s homepage. Make sure to introduce not only your brand but also yourself. There are living people behind all those brands and companies, and your customers want to make sure that these people can be trusted. It’s a good idea to add your bio, as well as your brand story that will convey a business’ history, philosophy, purpose, and values. This will undoubtedly spur your visitors on to press that “Follow” button and join the ranks of your loyal customers.  

from Fashion Bomb Daily Style Magazine: Celebrity Fashion, Fashion News, What To Wear, Runway Show Reviews

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