How To Make The Learning Of Foreign Languages Fun

For the past three decades, learning has become one of the most used and searched words in the field of education. Everyone is a learner here, not only students even teachers. The human brain is an immensely complex structure and still, it is a mystery.

Learning will create a permanent change in a person’s behavior and knowledge respectively. Acquiring knowledge from learning is something your brain stores in the memory and readily available to use in the right circumstances and opportunities.

Constantly changing behavior is coming out by learning experience. Learning also allows you to see the world differently from another perception, it makes you look different and attractive in a crowd.

Learning has no age limit, the study states that learning will stave off from mental aging as well. Researchers say learning is not only about memorization and recall, the long-lasting learning definitely involves a deep understanding and realizing the connection of acquired knowledge and new knowledge, but a person should also be able to transfer knowledge to a new context.

The point in learning and remembering is likely to endure changes in the nervous system. Through the psychological mechanism, short-term function of memory, temporary and reversible process takes through.

Why Learn a New Language?

Learning a new language has its own benefits like boosting your brain power, Helping in how to choose a career with a better option in a new country, can travel many places of our wish, and improve & increase memory power. When learning a new language you are indirectly feeding your brain to make a better decision, problem-solving mind and especially you can develop multitasking skills.

And also language is something that connects directly with other cultures, being able to communicate with other people around the world will make a better understanding of traditions and religions and mostly the history of the place. A study states that children who learned the second language have more positive attitudes in society.

14 Fun Ways to Learn Any New Language

1) Communicating With Experts

Having a conversation with a person who knows that language better than you is a wonderful trick you should try, talking to anyone in person is far better than listening to any audio or reading books to memorize the words. No matter how many times you listen and take notes on words it will not help unless you talk to a person in real with emotions.

The human brain can actually remember when it is mixed up with emotions. The person should be fully committed to teaching you without any hesitation, only then you can learn and grow from mistakes.

2) Be Your Own Tutor 

Guiding yourself is the best way to learn. Allocate a separate time in a day to read and write, start with simple words then learn to build a sentence. Ask your language partner to recheck your writings, practicing this continuously will make you fluent in the targeted language.

Make a note daily of what you are learning and try to increase the time you invest in. The more you invest and are interested the quicker you will be fluent.

3) Travel!

This is undoubtedly the best way to have fun in learning. Traveling the place where the targeted language is spoken is highly beneficial and you will be amazed to communicate there when no option is left.

It will not only create space for learning but eventually gain experience for your life. Try going to places all alone, like shopping areas, restaurants and even more places which allow you to communicate with more native speakers.

4) Movie Time

Watch a movie of that particular language by using subtitles until you learn, later, try to see without subtitles(it’s quite hard) but it will improve the communication as well as create great sense in language’s culture skill.

No one gets bored out of watching a movie, do start watching and having a movie partner is not a bad idea, because if you are alone, you’re going to end up watching the same journals of your taste but having friends will help you to explore many more and it will be fun-filled.

5) Exploring New Friends 

Making new friends on native speakers is a great trick. Even if you said something wrong which raised their anger you can convince them by saying you lost in translation.

It also allows you to mingle with a large group of circles, improves social interaction and grows your level of perception on how they think, it even makes you more mature to accept their opinions and analyze a particular person very easily.

6) Carry a Dictionary 

Have a pocket dictionary with you all the time or there are more apps available like a dictionary to help you learn. Try to apply new words in your conversation repeatedly, if you find any new words that you do not understand make a note of it.

Later learn the meaning and keep repeating in your head until you get it.

7) Music

Listening to the music of your choice in the selected language will be fun learning. Imagine you can sing to your favorite tune at the time you learn new words. This trick will work and you cannot forget the words you listened to.

Try to understand the lyrics and find a good translator to know the exact meaning of what you are singing. The added benefit of hearing music is you can hear whenever you want to while driving, cooking, exercising, and so on.

8) Reading Books

Read the books that used simple language for better understanding. It may even be a kid’s storybooks like Disney.  By starting reading this will make your basic things stronger.

Read books which are more picturized and colorful, It attracts your brain to read and find it interesting, your brain remembers easily rather than reading boring books without any colors.

9) Play and Learn

Playing scrabble on the learning language will be beneficial to learn the correct spelling and exact meaning of it. You can play with the dictionary at first then you should do away with the dictionary and challenge yourself to come up with new words.

While playing your brain starts to think the alternative word and enhances your level of thinking and remembering.

10)  Google Translator 

Another best platform to learn a new language is by using google translator. Watch videos, read articles, and listen to songs by using a translator. You can even interact with other online learners of your group.

It helps you to translate any language you want to and helps while you are traveling to a different country.

11) Mirror Technique

Talk to yourself pretending to be in your imaginary situation, you can talk freely and confidently when no one is there to judge you. It is as simple as that.

You can pick your own topic, never mind even if it is not good and but do record it and hear the audio, correct the mistakes you made. Self-evaluation is the best teacher. When no one is around you can speak from your heart.

12)  Start Writing a Story 

Gather all the words you know and try to write a story which is the best way to remember all the words you have learned. Exchange this story with friends or native speakers and ask them to correct it.

Writing a story of your favorite topic makes you more interesting and committed to doing that without any distraction or try writing about your favorite person.

13) TV Shows

Watch cookery shows on the targeted language. It is not to learn cooking but they will give step by step instructions which you can make use of. You can learn all the names of fruits and vegetables.

Debate shows are also a good idea to watch, native speakers will talk about the problems, will help you educate more about the targeted language’s country and news shows of the particular language are also quite helpful.

14) Social Apps

Nowadays many social apps (like Snapchat,  Whatsapp,  Facebook messenger, Linkedin, etc) are available to connect with people across the country.

Make use of it wisely to chat with native speakers and improve your language skills just by chatting. It also makes you learn the local slang they are using. You can learn the local slang only on this platform and not on any other media.

Language Learning

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10 Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language:

a) Advancing Your Career

Employees are looking for professionals who can communicate with customers across the globe in new and expanding overseas markets. Here is how your second language boosts your career.

Knowing an additional language tops among eight essential skills required in listed occupations. No matter what your sector or skill level the demand for bilingual professionals is rising. Most private companies deal with foreign clients therefore they need more people who can communicate with them in native speakers.

Language skills will lead you to increased salaries and bonuses.

b) Increased Performance in Academic

Improves your scores in standardized exams, reading comprehension, and vocabulary will be improved, and problem-solving techniques will be raised.

c) Connect With People

One of the considered specialties in humans is connecting with other people. Being able to connect with other humans in the same language is bliss.

When knowing more than one language you can communicate with a wider range of people, understanding their culture and shaping up with communities. Connecting with more people means you can have a lot of friends.

d) Brain Feeding

Being bilingual, actually, you’re capable of multi-tasking, better listening skills, and a problem-solving mind. You can easily adapt and monitor the changing environment more than monolinguals. You will be more flexible and creative as you get old, easily cope up with mental aging.

e) Become a Polyglot

Learning one or more languages, not only improves your communication but actually builds a strong vocabulary in your first language. This is because when you learn a new language your brain develops a new network that is primed. It will help you to embark on a third language.

f) Networking Skills

As you know more than one language, it makes you more culturally aware of the language people, which will allow you to be more flexible and understand other’s decisions or opinions.

Different opinions occur while mingling with a group of people around. Today networking becomes a vital part of the working world.

g) Sharpens the Mind

Brain structure is actually increased when acquiring more language. Learning a new language is directly linked with the purpose of a healthy brain. Speaking two languages have more grey matter in the brain which is responsible for attention and inhibition.

h) Boosts Self-confidence

Eventually, you attain self-confidence and be attracted to colleagues you are studying or working with. Any learner is authenticated to share his mistake discovering a new language especially in front of the audience.

It is part of the process. So when you try to convince someone, their language is kind of an accomplishment you feel.

i) Achievement

When you are well-versed in the new language it feels like you achieved something. It helps you motivate yourself to grow more knowledge and attain self-motivation and you will find more ways to learn something new.

j) Creativity

Your brain will force you to use alternative words when you cannot remember the exact word you want to say. This helps in boosting the creativity level of your brain, you tend to experiment with new words and phrases, this technique applies in your life by finding alternative solutions for the problems you face in life.  


Above mentioned are the 14 fun ways to quickly start your learning. It has so many benefits involved and attracts more people and makes you look different among the people.

Language learning improves your cognitive skills, mental flexibility to analyze the situation, and adding to that it develops social interaction with many groups of people. Make sure you think in that language at least for an hour.

Try to teach others what you learned, it will make you stronger in that particular language. By all the simple practices you can be fluent in a month. Learning sharpens the mind and makes you a better person in behavior.

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