Work from Home as a Virtual Bookkeeper and Make up to $10,000 a Month

Looking for Virtual Bookkeeper jobs that can make up to  $10,000 a month?

Do you want to work from home?

Are you looking for virtual bookkeeping jobs?

Virtual bookkeeping services are in high demand.

There are more than 30 million small businesses in the United States. Many of these small businesses are in dire need of bookkeeping services.

Virtual bookkeeping services are unsaturated; very few people are virtual bookkeepers.

With income potential of up to $10,000 per month or more, virtual bookkeeping jobs offer a profitable opportunity to make a great living while working from home.

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In this blog post, I will tell you about Bookkeeper Launch and Ben Robinson, an online virtual bookkeeper training program that can help you to earn a great living and work from home.

Let’s get started. 



What is Virtual Bookkeeping?

Virtual Bookkeeping is a business opportunity in which anyone can provide virtual bookkeeping services to a client from a remote location in exchange for a decent fee.

With more than 30 million small businesses in the United States, virtual bookkeeping services are in high demand and is one of the best ways to make money online and work from home.

Best of all, computer software and apps have made it so easy to become a virtual bookkeeper.

Now, almost anyone can easily train to become a virtual bookkeeper from the comfort of their own home.

Currently, Bookkeeper Launch is the trusted leader in virtual bookkeeper training programs.


1. How Much Money Can a Virtual Bookkeeper Make?

A virtual bookkeeper can make $1500 to $3000 within the first 6 months.

You can scale it up to $10,000 a month by efficiently managing your online bookkeeping business and winning new clients. 

Virtual bookkeeping services are always in high demand. Best of all, virtual bookkeeping services are at the heart of every business operation.

For that reason, online bookkeeping services will always be in high demand, even in times of a recession or economic downturn.

The Bookkeeper Launch training program will put you in the hands of experienced bookkeeping specialists will who will train and guide you all the way from your first $1000 to potentially making up $10000 a month.


how to work from home as a virtual bookkeeper and make $10,000 a month
virtual bookkeeper jobs


2. Who is Bookkeeper Launch Designed for?

The Bookkeeper Launch training program is designed for anyone. 

Anyone and everyone can work from home doing bookkeeping. Whether you are a corporate executive, a former nurse, a teacher, a recent college graduate, a student, stay at home mom, stay at home dad; whether you are recently unemployed or you are a retiree, you can easily train to become a virtual bookkeeper.

Here is the good news: computer software and apps have made it so easy to become a virtual bookkeeper. Now, almost anyone can easily train to become a virtual bookkeeper from the comfort of their own home.


3. Can You Work from Home as a Virtual Bookkeeper?

Yes, absolutely. Bookkeepers Launch is a work from home business program.

You can use Bookkeepers Launch to start your own online business, work from home and live life on your own terms. 

You can manage your business from anywhere.

If you have a computer and wifi, you can do bookkeeping anywhere! Even on the beach!



4. Is Virtual Bookkeepers Launch Legit? Does it Work?

Yes, Bookkeepers Launch works amazingly well.

You can make between $1500 and $3000 within the first 6 months using Bookkeepers.

The Bookkeepers Launch has already trained thousands of people who are successfully working from home.

In fact, Bookkeepers Launch intends to train 25,000 virtual bookkeepers by 2025.

Head here to sign up for the Bookkeepers Launch virtual bookkeeping program.


5. What are Some Success Stories of Bookkeeper’s Launch?

Many people have seen great results by using Bookkeeper’s Launch.

Meet Ashley:

Here’s Ashley’s story:


After four years as a childcare provider, Ashley needed a change. She wanted a job that was less stressful and would give her more time with her kids.


The course increased her confidence in herself and her bookkeeping skills. And she discovered how to overcome her fears and land clients who love to work with her.


18 months after joining, Ashley earned enough to quit her job and do bookkeeping full-time. She’s now less stressed and is free to be with her kids anytime she wants.”

Meet Dorothy: 

Dorothy’s inspiring story:


After Dorothy’s corporate job disappeared, she had to find a new way to earn a living.


She used the course to brush up on her bookkeeping skills, and she discovered how to stand out and attract great clients she loves to help.


Dorothy has 15 clients and total control over her income. Her work is 100% virtual, so she can travel and be with her grandkids or work from the Bahamas anytime she wants.”

These are the few of many people that have achieved their work from home lifestyle by using Bookkeepers Launch. 

how to work from home as a virtual bookkeeper and make $10,000 a month
virtual bookkeeping business ideas


6. What is Bookkeepers Launch?

Bookkeeper Launch is a virtual bookkeeping training program.

With Bookkeepers, you can grow, start, or scale your online business.

You can become a virtual bookkeeper, grow your online bookkeeping business, or become an affiliate.

Here’s what Bookkeepers says about starting an online bookkeeping business:

“Build your very own 100% virtual bookkeeping business from scratch. Learn the 21st Century skills, master marketing techniques that work and develop systems that allow you to get RESULTS…fast!”

Bookkeepers mission is to build an army of 25,000 bookkeeping pros by 2025.

Their system is proven to give you amazing results.


7. How Does Bookkeeper Launch Work?

Bookkeeper Launch is a system that helps you build an online bookkeeping business.

Bookkeeper Launch helps you achieve that work from home lifestyle you have always wanted. 

Bookkeeper Launch gives you a step by step blueprint on how to achieve your online business. 

Here’s Bookkeeper’s Launch’s mission: 

“Bookkeeper Launch is the only proven system that helps you to start a 100% virtual bookkeeping business from scratch.

This step-by-step blueprint combines:

  • 21st Century Bookkeeping Skills
  • Efficient Systems
  • Marketing to Attract High-Quality Clients

In addition to the instructions that have helped over 8000 women and men just like you, Bookkeeper Launch also includes your exclusive membership to the World’s #1 largest, most active community of virtual bookkeeping pros.

As part of this community you are never alone in your journey. Everyone in this family is there to help one another to live their own lifestyle full of:

  • Freedom
  • Family
  • Finances

I suggest you try this program out for yourself if you want an amazing online business. 


8. What is Bookkeeper’s Lab?

Once you have done Bookkeeper Launch, you can go on and complete Bookkeepers Lab.

This course allows you to grow your online business once you have launched it. 

Bookkeeper’s Lab’s mission: 

“Bookkeeper Lab is an advanced, exclusive community of 21st Century Bookkeeping Professionals. Everyone here is interested in growing their business…

…and not just any kind of growth. Great growth: serving quality clients, advancing their skills to become a highly-valued advisor. This ain’t no place for pencil-pushers, “that’s the way I’ve always done it”, green-sheets are awesome, 20th-century bookkeepers. 

Also, this is the place to be for high-quality content relating to growing and optimizing your bookkeeping business. “

This is for you if you want to take another step after Bookkeeper’s Launch.

This membership is coming soon. 

9. What is Bookkeeper’s Elite?

Bookkeeper’s Elite is exactly what it sounds like.

Bookkeeper’s Elite is a top group that focuses on scaling your online business. 

Only the best of the best make it into this course.

Bookkeeper’s Elite mission: 

“What happens in Elite, stays in Elite. If we told you what we were, we’d spoil the awesome surprise that awaits you.

What we can tell you is that this is first and foremost a MASTERMIND of Bookkeeping ENTREPRENEURS.  By “Entrepreneur”, we mean you could leave your business for three months and all the day-to-day client deliverable would be done. 

Membership is by application only as we want to make you that you’re an excellent fit. We cap membership at 100 and have a waiting list beyond that. 

If you’re ready to create your own Mini-Empire, apply now.”

Bookkeeper’s Elite does not have a membership yet, so stay tuned on



10. What are 21st Century Bookkeeping Skills?

21st Century Bookkeeping Skills are skills that are the most efficient and modern.

You must harness these skills to achieve an amazing bookkeeper business.

Say goodbye to the old bookkeeping techniques of the past.

You need to use computer apps and software to do bookkeeping.

These software and apps make bookkeeping extremely easy. 

Here is an inside look at 21st Century Bookkeeping Skills

“Learning these skills means that you will have what it takes to deliver value to your clients.

You see, the bookkeeping skills of yesterday aren’t enough today. We must build upon those skills to ensure we are helping others, business owners, to achieve their financial goals with their business.

While other programs stop with “debits and credits”, Bookkeeper Launch helps you to take your skillset to the next-level”

These new 21st-century bookkeeping skills are updated and are essential in your bookkeeping business. 


11. How to Start a Successful Bookkeeping Business?

In addition to software and apps, you need Bookkeepers Launch.

You also need efficient systems.

Here is what Bookkeeepers say about efficient systems:

‘ Look, your time is precious. You can never get it back. That’s why, when you work, you must make sure that you are getting as much done in as little time as possible. Enter…

…Efficient Systems.

Bookkeeper Launch gives you the best way for you to deliver your services through systems and processes. 

Rather than start from scratch, you are given the proven templates to get the job done, on-time and make your clients very happy to pay you to help them.”

As you can see, efficient systems are vital to your bookkeeping business.

Another thing you need is marketing.

You have to market to attract people to come to your business. 

Bookkeeper’s Launch teaches you the marketing strategies that can give you high-quality clients and companies. 

Here’s the definition of marketing explained by Bookkeepers:

“Until you have clients, you don’t have a business, you have a hobby. Hobbies cost money while businesses MAKE MONEY.

Now, when you have the 21st Century Bookkeeping Skills and Efficient Systems in place it’s time to go get those clients.

But…you don’t want to work with just “any” client; you want high-quality clients. 

Now, by high-quality we mean ones that appreciate you and are willing to pay you for the wonderful service you deliver. “

Obviously, marketing is highly necessary for your online business

12. What are Bookkeeper’s Beliefs?

Bookkeeper believes in innovative skills to achieve success.

Don’t take it from me… Bookkeeper’s mission states: 

“The bookkeeping and accounting profession is BROKEN.

Serving shitty clients is just plain WRONG. We should NEVER work 50+ hours per week. We must not tolerate irresponsible clients. At the same time, we – as professionals – must up our game and offer value-add services. Gone are the days of just recording transactions and basic financial statements. Those are tasks best left to automation and, soon, artificial intelligence. To us, that’s great news because it allows us to…

You must become a 21st Century Bookkeeping Pro ASAP.

This means that you help your clients to enrich their lives through their businesses. You become an advisor in addition to the great services that you already provide. As such, you’ve GOT to focus on one industry. Riches are in the niches. Bookkeeping is first and foremost a relationship business. Less in more…less clients, less apps, etc. Provide value in advance, and charge what you are worth. All of these are the hallmarks of a 21C Bookkeeping Pro.

Strive for simplicity and clarity.

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” ~ Albert Einstein 

For too long, our profession has been plagued with unnecessary complexity. This leads to a lack of clarity for us as bookkeeping pros and for our clients. It’s high-time we strip away all the fat and focus only on what is important: solid, business-altering, proactive advice.”

Bookkeepers are truly the experts in bookkeeping and taking their strategies is a must. 


13. What Lifestyle Does Bookkeepers Want You to Have?

Bookkeeper wants the best for their clients.

This is why they strive to bring the best lessons and advice to their clients.

You can surely put your trust in Bookkeepers.

In Bookkeeper’s words: 

“You should control when you work, where you work, with whom you work and how much you earn.

50+ hours weeks? Those SUCK! No matter what time of year it is, you shouldn’t work this much. There are better things to do with your life. We believe that you should be able to serve clients regardless of where you or they are. And getting paid…we know how valuable you are. You should only work with clients who ALSO recognize your value and happily pay you for it. 

Work should be adventurous, fun and intellectually stimulating.

This belief is pretty straightforward, right? I mean, no one wants their work to be drab. We want, and deserve, what we do to charge us up, make us use our noggin and grow to become a better person. 

Your business should be built around your life.

…your life should not be built around your business. You started your bookkeeping business in order to gain what we can the “3F Lifestyle”. This means you can have your family, freedom and financial gain ALL at the same time without having to sacrifice one (or more) for the others. “

Anyone would want this amazing lifestyle.

Bookkeepers can help you achieve that.



14. How did Bookkeepers Come to be?

Bookkeepers has an amazing origin story.

This story, told by the founder:

“In 2014, I realized I needed a change. I had owned my own CPA firm for about 15 years, but it was time for me to get out.

I sold my firm at the end of 2014, and that is where this story begins. Other than my time in the Air Force as a Air Traffic Controller, being a CPA was about all I’d ever known. What now?

Within my CPA firm, I was an oddball…I had always enjoyed the marketing. So, I thought about going into consulting, or sales, or being a pool boy. And I even checked out a few franchises.

Nothing felt right. These options did not inspire me. I wanted to do something meaningful; like I was helping others live their dream life while doing the same in my own.

As fate would have it, my friend Kelly lost her job in January 2015. Kelly had a job that allowed her to work from home.

Kelly is a single mom of three young boys. With a virtual job, she was able to put her kids on the bus in the morning. Then, she could be there when the boys came home from school. And, she could take care of a sick boy without having to take a “vacation” day.

Kelly is a strong person, but she worried. Finding another virtual job was proving difficult. And, a “regular” office job didn’t seem like a great option either.

…When I told Kelly my idea, she looked at me like I was crazy and said, “I don’t know the first thing about bookkeeping.” The good news was that the biggest part of my CPA firm was the bookkeeping department. I had trained our firm’s bookkeepers, and I could train Kelly too.

It seemed to me that there were hundreds or even thousands of “Kellys” out there. Women and men who want or need the freedom that a virtual business provides.

In my excitement, I dove in head first! I put out a simple ad and blog post advertising a class for learning to be a virtual bookkeeper. So, in May 2015, I launched my first bookkeeping course with 30 students.

What a ride that was! You see, I had already trained 121 bookkeepers in my firm before I sold it. I had all the content and it was excellent….

…But, boy did I have a lot to learn about all the other aspects of managing a community and course like this. That group of students is still so special to me. One of our most successful students to date, Callie Sitek, was in the first group. It was a learning adventure for them and for me!

In September of 2015, I officially kicked off what is now Bookkeeper Launch!

Turns out, there ARE a ton of “Kellys” out there. These awesome women and men want to work from home, be their own boss, and earn a good living. ALL this without sacrificing their family and free time. They want what we call the 3F Lifestyle:

Freedom, Family & Finances.

The absolute BEST part of my job is seeing the success our students are having. Our entire team is passionate about helping others achieve their dreams and live the 3F Lifestyle.

Creating Bookkeeper Launch has been a wonderful, inspiring and humbling journey. I look forward to what the future holds for all those we are able to help live their dream life.

– from Ben Robinson, Founder


Long story short, Ben saw an opportunity and took it. 

He decided to help people achieve the work from home dream. 

The dream is yours, you just have to work to achieve it. 


15. Meet the Bookkeeper Launch Team?

The Bookkeeper Launch has a work from home team that consists of 15 people and their mascot dog, Coco.

Ben Robinson is their founder. He is the creator of Bookkeeper Launch. 

Bookkeeper Business Launch Review (100% Honest reviews)

Kelly Perry is the Chief Operating Officer


Welcome to

Darlene Peacock, their marketing manager

Darlene Peacock


And Faith Spradling, their affiliate manager

Faith Spradling



These are the top few in their fantastic team. 

I think they make an amazing team.


16. Which High-Level Media Have Featured Bookkeeper Launch?

The Bookkeeper Launch has been included on the list of Inc 500, the fastest growing businesses in America.

Bookkeeper Launch has been featured on various influential websites. These trusted websites include:              



Work from Home as a Virtual Bookkeeper and Make up to $10,000 a Month – Conclusion

Now that you know everything about Bookkeeper’s, don’t you want to be a part of their virtual bookkeeping business?

Do you want to work from home? Do you want to start an online business? Are you looking to start a side hustle or make extra money?

Join Bookkeeper’s Launch and start your online business today.

The good news is that computer software and apps have made it so easy for anyone to become a virtual bookkeeper.

Now, thank goodness, almost anyone can easily train to become a virtual bookkeeper from the comfort of their own home.

Your work from home lifestyle starts today! 

Head over here to get started with the virtual bookkeeping business training program.

Good luck!


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Virtual Bookkeeper Business Services

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