Creating Content 101: Messaging, Timelines & More

When you’re building your own business, you will almost certainly run into a.) things you didn’t know you were going to have to do, b.) things you’re surprised to find out that you enjoy, and c.) things you realize (or confirm!) that you hate. Creating content can fall into any of these categories, and I want to keep as many of us in group B as possible! 

Any When I Grow Up Coach client knows how much I believe in the power of newsletters, social media, and absolutely, unequivocally getting yourself out there. By regularly producing content, you are keeping yourself relevant in your industry, at the forefront of your clients’ minds, and packing you and your business with value. All of this combined makes content creation a fundamental piece of building your dream businesses.

For many women, you might be thinking, “Wait a second, I thought I signed up to get my floral shop up and running, not become a writer!” and I hear you, but content can come in the form of so many different things! 💐🎼👡🍭🕶 It can be re-sharing a relevant post on Instagram, summarizing your upcoming discount via email, or popping on FB Live for a quick chat with your followers. There are some really simple tricks and tips you can follow to keep the goods flowing without having to do heavy research/writing/design-lifting. 

Get started with the details below and watch your audience engagement, follower count, and new client or customer sign-ups grow! 

Tip #1: Pick content and topics that are based on the overall mission of your business and/or the value that you provide. In other words, keep it relevant. If you are a fitness coach, it probably doesn’t make sense to write about ‘3 Great Ideas For Updating Your Bathroom.’ If you find you’re putting something out there that doesn’t speak to the work or skill set that you’re selling, set it aside for some personal blogging and regroup for what does resonate with your expertise (and with what your clients are Googling that is related to your business)!  

Tip #2: When in doubt, speak to the problem you are helping your clients solve. Remember, you are an expert in your industry, and anyone who is looking to work with you is doing so because they need your help! What answers can you give them in a short Instagram post? What solutions do you have that would make a great bulleted list in a newsletter? As an example, I’ve regularly received the question, “Michelle, how do I get started creating content for my business?” Voila! Here is the answer in the form of content for my business! 

Tip #3: If you have a sale/discount/new offer going on, keep your content focused on *that*! Tell the people what you want them to know so they can get their problem solved. Be mindful not to lead folks astray learning about details or facts that won’t point them back to what you’re selling in the moment. If you have something special they should know about—tell them! Keeping it to yourself, or being shy mentioning it in your content, is doing them a disservice because then they can’t get their problem solved. Is this point made yet? Good! 

Tip #4: Commit to a regular content-output schedule. I recommend the following. Send…

  • 1 Newsletter per month at a minimum  (Ideally 2-4)
  • 3 Social Media posts per week at a minimum (Ideally one a day!)
  • 2 to 3 pitches per week at a minimum. This can be anything from asking to be a podcast guest to offering to write a guest post to signing up to be a speaker for a local group! And *how* is this related to content creation? Because anyone that says YES is content you can use in the future! You better share that podcast when it goes live (and the day you record!), a screenshot of that Zoom room as you lead the group in whatever you’re teaching, and the article you wrote when it gets published!

If you’re still left in the dark and simply can’t come up with any content ideas, here is a fast list of prompts to get you started: 

  • Answer one FAQ (as mentioned above!) – or make a series where you answer an FAQ every Wednesday, for example. You can ask your audience for questions directly (via an Instagram post, newsletter, etc. a.k.a. content!) and/or make them up based on what you’re asked over and over.
  • Offer insider tips for whatever it is you offer (i.e. your biggest tip to help someone go vegan if you’re a nutritionist, the 3 ways to update your wardrobe during quarantine if you’re a stylist, a way to move past your writers block if you’re a creativity coach.) 
  • Establish a weekly series (like #MotivationMonday or #SundayFunday!)
  • Offer your professional response to timely news or happenings (Example: How would something like the holidays – or a global pandemic! – affect your client base? What might you be able to tell them that helps, comforts, or educates them?)
  • Repurpose old content from past work. This is totally allowed. 
  • Share your Why-I-Started-This-Biz story.
  • Source client case studies/testimonials.
  • Tell any personal stories that have to do with what you offer, mission or business.
  • Explain what you’re currently working on (teaser posts are great!)
  • Repost content from your network that you know will resonate with your people (you’ll see I’ve been doing this a lot more on my Instagram feed – anything that features someone else’s handle on the photo itself is a repost, like this one that was super popular)
  • Give a glimpse into something you’re personally doing/thinking/feeling that day

And lastly, my 3 quick-and-important rules for creating content for your business:

  1. Don’t let it slow you down. If it feels like a slog, do what you can to lighten it up! If you’re torturing yourself with it, it’ll show.
  2. Don’t be precious with it. Aim for B- work over and over again. Content is just a blip on the radar, and will soon be forgotten about anyway (yes – even by you!).
  3. Embrace the short & sweet. Not everything needs to be a novel – and it shouldn’t be! Challenge yourself with what you can write/send/post in just 15 minutes or less. 

Bottom line? You have important stuff to say and your clients are dying to hear it, whether they know it or not! It is your job to tell them, and it is my job to help you. Hope we accomplished both today! 

With my help, we can grow your client base, business, and content ideas together. Sign up for the Build Your Client Base interest list to get first dibs and early bird pricing on June 22nd for my July-Dec mastermind! By the end of the year, you’ll be a content whiz and I’ll be taking my tips from *you*.

The post Creating Content 101: Messaging, Timelines & More appeared first on When I Grow Up - Creative Business Coach.

from When I Grow Up – Creative Business Coach

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