Pedram Zohrevand on Reaching Success In The World Of Civil Engineering

What can you do to make the right choices in your engineering career? Pedram Zohrevand has reached those heights and knows what it takes.

He says that climbing the ladder can happen in various ways, however, doing so just for the sake of it really isn't the wise move. What you need are a strategy and goals that are unique to you. The suggestions Pedram Zohrevand outlined below will help you achieve your goals


1. Pick Roles That Interest You

Do you do well in hands-on tasks or do your talents lie in abstract details? Are you more productive behind a desk or on-site? Do you excel in a designer role or a managerial position?


Considering each of these questions will help you to understand where your interests lie. Even if you already know whether you want to head down the contracting or consultancy route, you still need to be more decisive. Careers in civil engineering can involve the design or implementation of runway modifications for airports or can involve converting buildings so that they are sustainable and so forth. You want to have your specialty in one area so the decision you make at this point needs to be in line with your overall interests. If your heart is in non-sustainable energy you really shouldn't settle for a position that is all about environmental consulting.


2. Show Your Soft Skills

Even though the qualifications that you have will no doubt have an impact on your career path, qualifications by themselves do not automatically guarantee success in your profession. Granted, the experience you have may get you the job, however, it's your soft skills that are going to make you thrive.


There is a lot more than infrastructure logistics in the world of engineering. You will have the task of managing time and resources that are limited, as well as working well within a team and conveying information in clear ways both aurally in presentations and in written form, such as in reports. So if you want your success to be long-term, developing skills such as communication, leadership and communication are vital.


3. Have Extra Certificates On Your Resume

Of course, getting your engineering license is right up at the top of the priority list, but what do you do once you have achieved this? In the world of engineering, practices change quickly, this means that techniques that were innovative when you entered the profession can quickly become old.


Hence the need to get yourself additional certifications. As things get more competitive it is vital that you broaden your skills so that you can stand out from the crowd. A hiring manager will give priority to workers who have valued certificates since they know this means the worker likes to use their initiative and be flexible. If you are serious about keeping up with this fast-changing industry looking at extra certificates is a crucial step.


4. Think About Getting A Master's Degree

It is true that the majority of engineers only get a bachelor's degree, yet further education can give you an extra step up in advancing your career in civil engineering. Hiring managers are more likely to view you as someone who can handle extra responsibilities as well as more complex problems. This means that such qualifications can boost your career even if you do not plan to work within research or teaching.


5. Don’t Underestimate The Importance Of Experience

You need more than a degree to get a good position. Experience will open the door to the industry. Pedram Zohrevand has gained experience throughout a ten year career in the industry. If you are not able to gain this through internships think about working with a professional recruiter. Such agencies will aid you in gaining the knowledge and experience needed to enter the industry.

from Blog - Career Designs

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