8 Reasons Digital Marketing is Superior to Traditional Marketing

Digital marketing has evolved exponentially since the birth of today’s Internet technology, a trend that will certainly continue in the future. Businesses must adjust to changing customer preferences and behavior, and use the latest technology to increase the marketing budget of ROI.

If you have always based most of your marketing efforts on traditional marketing strategies, you may be shocked by the many reasons why digital marketing can potentially be more efficient and cost-effective than traditional marketing.

In this article, I will explain to you the eight reasons why digital marketing is a better strategy than traditional marketing. Now, let’s jump right into the details!

What Is Digital Marketing?

In general, digital marketing refers to any online marketing activities or assets. Email marketing, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) ads, social media marketing, and even blogging are all perfect examples of digital marketing — they help to introduce your brand and product to potential customers and persuade them to purchase.

Digital marketing assets are a group of many things. They are simply marketing tools that you’re using online. That said, many people don’t know really how many digital marketing tools they have at their fingertips.

Here are only a few examples of them:

  • Your website.
  • Video content (video ads, product demos, etc.).
  • Branded assets (logos, icons, acronyms, etc.).
  • Written content (blog posts, eBooks, product descriptions, testimonials, etc.).
  • Images (infographics, product shots, company photos, etc.).
  • Online products or tools (SaaS, calculators, interactive content, etc.).
  • Reviews.
  • Social media pages.

As you might know, this list just scratches the surface of digital marketing assets. Most digital marketing assets will fall into one of these categories, but marketing experts are constantly coming up with new tools to reach customers online, so the list continues to grow.

What Is Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing is any form of marketing that is not online. It includes print ads, broadcast ads, direct mail, SMS, and outdoor advertisements like billboards. From the newspapers to the radio, this marketing method helps brands reach targeted audiences offline.

Traditional marketing is not only one of the oldest methods of marketing, but it is also one of the most used. Marketers use this approach because it’s a tried and true marketing strategy for decades. Everybody comes across some kind of traditional advertisement in their day-to-day lives, whether it’s seeing a billboard or reading the daily newspaper.

Traditional marketing plays a significant part in targeting local audiences. Ads can be held for a long time because they’re physical. Besides that, there’s an audience that’s easier to target by traditional marketing than online marketing (for example, the older demographics who are not familiar or use the Internet frequently). 

8 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Can Be Better for You Than Traditional Marketing

traditional marketing vs digital marketing

1. Reach All Media Devices and Types

In the ever-evolving world of technology and mobile devices, digital marketing can reach audiences across all types of devices and media channels, enabling you to target a much wider customer audience than would otherwise have been the case for traditional marketing.

If you want to run a TV ad and have the money to do so during the regular season of the NFL game, the leads/sales that you can acquire are restricted by the portion of your target market that might be watching at any given time during the game, and as such advertisements are incredibly costly, as is the making of a good commercial in the first place.

Given the strong decline in TV viewership and newspaper readership over the past decade, the expensive mainstream commercials you would pay for do not reach as broad an audience as they once did. More and more people are accessing the Internet through mobile devices, and less so via conventional methods such as newspapers and magazines.

When advertising in the form of a newspaper or radio can be accessed by anyone who owns a certain magazine or newspaper only, any devices that have access to the Internet can now be reached by your digital content.

2. Enables You to Track and Measure Your Data Intensively

Digital marketers have access to online tools that provide better insights into customer preferences and behaviors. That helps them to optimize data and uncover new gaps in the consumer category. Such resources can provide you with insightful data that will help you tailor your next digital marketing strategy and ensure that you attract new clients and please the existing ones.

There are a ton of measurements that can help you find the right path to the next digital marketing plan; those metrics are not viable for traditional marketing approaches. These measurements are accessible via tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, and many others.

When you want to know how successful each page on your website is, there are several metrics that help you to evaluate the success of your marketing campaign. For instance, the time-on-page metric helps you see just how long people stayed on your website page, which gives you insight into what’s going on with your marketing strategy and what’s wrong with it.

Traffic volume metrics can allow you to understand whether or not your website can retain the interest of your customers, while also enabling you to identify the amount of traffic you get from search engines, direct traffic to your website, and referrals from other websites. For instance, one of the most significant metrics collected by Google Analytics can indicate where your sales funnel is being broken. It is mainly based on bounce rates that include the number of website visitors who leave the website on any particular tab.

Although the development of a sale funnel is mostly left to you, it’s simply a funnel that begins at the top of your landing page and finishes on whichever page you want people to access most, such as a certain product page or a newsletter sign-up page. By adding bounce rates to the filter, you should be able to determine when the bulk of site users exit your website.

For example, if 70 percent of site visitors leave your website after the home page, that means that only 30 percent of visitors stay, many of whom leave your website before even visit specific product pages, which means they are not interested in your product. This metric can help you recognize which pages on your website may need to be improved for better user experience.

3. You Can Get a Higher ROI at a Lower Cost With Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is more cost-effective than traditional marketing in many ways and can yield higher ROI or return on investment. This is primarily thanks to digital marketing approaches that enable advertisers to target audiences who are, in some way, already interested in their products. For example, if you sell dog food, you can target exclusively people who love dogs on Facebook. With various digital marketing techniques that are available, you can combine them to fit your own target demographics.

Looking at the costs of digital ads relative to traditional ads like a TV ad, digital marketing strategies, such as SEO, pay-per-click ads, content marketing, and social media can cost as little as a few hundred/thousand a month compared to a typical TV ad that would cost at least hundreds of thousands of dollars for a simple 30-second slot.

Prime-time spots (like the Super Bowl) that show your ad during popular TV shows or sports events will cost you millions of dollars, which is not a realistic option for most companies.

If you are not a fan of TV commercials and prefer using other forms of traditional marketing, the price of newspaper and magazine advertising can consume your whole campaign budget, yet do not equate to the level of audience reach that digital marketing tools can bring for you.

For example, a full-page black-and-white commercial in the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times will cost more than $100,000—while advertisements in smaller newspapers and magazines would cost less, it also means a sharp decline in circulation relative to larger publishers. On the other hand, even the smallest and most affordable of digital marketing techniques can attract a larger audience through an intelligent data-driven marketing campaign.

Creating a profile or account on a social media network such as Facebook or Twitter needs relatively little upfront investment and can effectively promote the products to a broader audience than traditional ads at a very low cost, as long as you are able to regularly contribute and engage your customers on these sites. 

If you want to leave your digital marketing execution to a qualified digital marketing firm, that can cost as little as a couple of hundreds to a few thousand dollars a month (and, of course, can go far higher than that based on the budget/goal) which have the ability to attract an overwhelmingly large number of consumers.

4. Enables You to Sell Internationally

Vector Image for Online Business

A distinct advantage of digital marketing compared to traditional marketing is that digital marketing content can be targeted at local demographics while still being able to gain global exposure, as content can be accessed from around the world via the Internet.

Even though your target audience may be local, your company benefits from a global presence in digital marketing, especially if you sell internationally. Traditional advertising campaigns are limited to local audiences, which will invariably limit your growth potential.

5. Generates More Customer Engagement & Brand Loyalty

In most cases, digital advertising is accompanied by a call-to-action (which is a user’s intent to take action) and can cover anything from commenting, subscribing, or sharing.

When the customer takes action and connects with your brand, they are more likely not only to buy your goods but also to support your brand and stay dedicated to your future digital content, helping you to cultivate a certain level of brand loyalty, a commodity that can be highly lucrative for your company in the long run.

As far as traditional marketing is concerned, loyalty programs can be highly complicated and expensive to manage and implement effectively (creation of interactive product products, delivery strategies, CRM, etc.), making it more difficult for the company to continue its marketing activities.

Digital brand loyalty programs offer consumers the impression that they are valued for their loyalty while also allowing you to encourage new purchases or consumer benefits. It’s a win-win scenario that isn’t going to make a lot of money in the marketing campaign but could produce large profits in years to come.

Digital brand loyalty programs offer consumers the impression that they are valued for their loyalty, while also allowing you to encourage new purchases or consumer benefits. It’s a win-win scenario that isn’t going to make a lot of money in the marketing campaign but could produce large profits in years to come.

6. Content for Digital Marketing Lasts Forever

Digital content that is promoted through digital channels has a considerable potential to achieve initial release success while remaining on the website for future potential gains through search engine optimization and other digital marketing techniques. 

Any content you publish online can last for a long period of time, particularly if you make efforts to keep that piece of content alive and growing, which can be achieved with the content management search engine and the overall website.

Unlike a 30-second TV commercial that costs at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, yet is gone after that 30 seconds, digital content lives on your website and has an immense potential to deliver results for years to come, while TV commercials and newspaper advertisements disappear into obscurity and are likely to never be viewed again by your consumers.

Digital marketing content can be a big boost to your company because it ensures that your monthly marketing budget lasts the month on which it was invested.

7. Levels the Playing Field

Digital marketing, to a large extent, has leveled the playing field between small and big businesses. Thanks to digital marketing platforms, small businesses now don’t need expensive tools and huge budgets to achieve their goals. 

More can be accomplished with the awareness and expertise of digital marketers. If and when small companies use imagination and innovation in their promotions, they have a good chance of achieving more than what big businesses can.

8. Brings About Higher Conversion Rates

data showing sales of online small business

Since digital marketers have resources that can provide greater insights, we are in a position to make informed marketing decisions that appeal to the needs of our consumers, which is the deciding factor for our conversion rate.

By knowing from inside out the most important elements of your website or product, you will be able to base your digital ads on these attributes, generating an uptick in positive attention for your company or business.

Advertising to a particular demographic who genuinely desires the product/service facilitates an improvement in conversion rates and revenue, something that traditional marketing is still unable to do on its own.

Through more focus on digital ads, you can rest assured that your marketing strategy will be successful with audiences who are more likely to buy the product or service you sell.

Final Words

The tried-and-true traditional marketing is by no means obsolete; it does still have its own unique advantages over digital marketing, but that is another story. In today’s highly competitive business environment, there is a massive demand for digital marketing as well. By taking advantage of digitization and its power, you can bring your marketing efforts to a whole new and more effective level. Brands who have grasped this new essentiality are well ahead of their rivals in growing their business.

I hope that this article has given you lots of valuable information about why digital marketing is superior to traditional marketing. Please feel free to leave a comment for further discussion. 

Additional Reading (Small Business Marketing):

The post 8 Reasons Digital Marketing is Superior to Traditional Marketing appeared first on CareerMetis.com.

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