From the Garden Recipes

Vivi et Margot Basket

Hey, it’s Thomas bringing you the post for today. It’s full on summer here and we are right in the thick of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, herbs and other sun loving plants. I’ve swapped out the leaf lettuces and broccolis for tomatillos, okra and sweet potatoes. With multiple harvests each week I’m constantly adding these veggies and herbs to salads, bowls or pasta and I’m also utilizing recipes old and new. Any recipe that can use two or more homegrown ingredients is getting a bunch of reuse. Caprese and Greek Salads are my all time favorites and I love that so much of it comes from my garden.

Here are some recipes that I’m making but first a quick note about harvesting tomatoes: If you are growing tomatoes, one helpful tip I’ve found is to pick them a day or two after the first sign of color. Whether the variety you are growing is red, orange or pink once you notice the color starting to appear keep a close time and harvest sooner rather than later. I’ve found that if I let it fully ripen on the plant I risk cracking, blossom end rot, pests or even forgetting to harvest it. The tomato will ripen on it’s own in the safety of your own home and be just as delicious as if you had perfectly timed your harvest.

Caprese Salad – I don’t think I’ve ever followed an official recipe for this dish because it’s so simple. With fresh ingredients this simple salad can be incredible. All it is: Sliced Tomatoes, Basil, Creamy Mozzarella, salt, fresh cracked pepper, the best olive oil you have and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Once you have the base it’s so easy to expand the ingredients from there such as this recipe and this recipe .

Greek Salad – Almost as simple as the Caprese, I personally love greek salads for the tangy flavors that are balanced by the sweetness of ripe tomatoes, the crunch of cucumber and creaminess of the feta. This is my go to recipe. This adaptation sounds especially refreshing in the summer. 

Vegan Tzatziki – I’ve made this Vegan tzatziki from Minimalist Baker a few times. Cucumbers have been my favorite new plant that I’ve added in my garden this year. They are fun to grow, natural climbers, very productive, refreshing to eat and are great for pickling. This variety from Row 7 is particularly amazing. I find the recommended Coyo Coconut Yogurt to be a little too intense so I mix 50/50 with Kite Hill Unsweetened Greek Almond Yogurt.

Quick Pickles – After a really big harvest of cucumbers recently I used this quick pickle recipe as inspiration. The end result was a little too vinegary but I think that might mellow out over time. Instead of being snacking pickles they are better as acidic balancers for richer dishes like sandwiches or burgers.

Vegan Pesto – I’ve loved making this recipe for years but it was always a little difficult to assemble enough basil to make enough. Not anymore now that I’m growing more than 10 basil plants. Pesto apparently freezes well which maybe I’ll try at the end of the season. I’ve made this recipe so many times that I’ll make this as a non-vegan version

Pasta Sauce – This works well if you’re growing Cherry Tomatoes – When I grew cherry tomatoes last year I’d be overwhelmed with them. So I’d sauté onion, garlic and the tomatoes in a cast iron skillet until the tomatoes released all their juices. Then I’d toss in a handful of fresh basil leaves and our favorite pasta. Similar to this recipe.

The post From the Garden Recipes appeared first on Gal Meets Glam.

from Gal Meets Glam

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