People are calling out Melania Trump for not reading the room after her tone-deaf announcement

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Melania Trump is one of the most talked-about people in the world, and from her controversial fashion choices to her rules within the White House walls, she never fails to make viral news.

From her red gloves baffling the internet and her breaking a New Year tradition to being the subject of a recent sexist joke by her husband Donald Trump and her seeming to disappear, the past year has been all about Melania.

Unsurprisingly, the past few weeks have been no exception.

It wasn’t her holiday plans or controversially sloganed jackets that made news this week however. Instead it was a tone deaf announcement by the First Lady that angered the internet.

As the world remains gripped by the coronavirus pandemic, Melania Trump has announced a new project – the renovation of the White House Rose Garden.

The news proved to be immediately controversial, with users taking to Twitter to voice their concern at how the project will be funded, especially given the current economic problems.

‘Priorities for @FLOTUS!’, one user tweeted. ‘Spend more taxpayer money on a house that the rest of the county are going to have to fumigate once the Trumps are forcefully removed in 5 months!’

Another added: ‘Millions of Americans are in dire straits and @FLOTUS can’t find anything to do but revamp the Rose Garden which is code for funnelling taxpayer money to her friends.’

‘Preserving the history and beauty of the White House and its grounds is a testament to our nation’s commitment to the care of this landscape and our dedication to American ideals, safeguarding them for our children and their children for generations to come,’ announced the First Lady in a statement breaking the news.

We will continue to update this story.

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