This is the Queen's favourite Christmas film and it's not what you'd expect

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Credit: WPA Pool / Getty

Christmas is just two short weeks away, which means one thing – well, two things. Chocolate (ahem, hello Ferrero Rocher dessert dome) and festive films.

Whether you fall in love with Jude Law every time you watch The Holiday, or can’t get this fan theory out of your head when you watch Love Actually, the fact of the matter is that nothing is needed more right now than an easy-to-watch Christmas movie. And luckily, this year there are more than ever before on Netflix, so there’s no excuse not to grab a tub of Celebrations, and get cosy on the sofa in front of the TV.

When it comes to festive films, however, everyone’s favourite differs. There are the people who watch Home Alone on repeat, those who will fight anyone that says Die Hard isn’t a Christmas film and Elf fans who can quote it word for word.

So what do the royals tune in to when they’re chilling out during the Christmas countdown?

Well, it turns out that Queen Elizabeth II has a very unusual favourite – and it’s unlikely you’ll guess what it is.

The monarch reportedly enjoys nothing more than settling down to watch Flash Gordon with her grandchildren in December.

The 1980s Sci-Fi film is a popular choice for the Sovereign, apparently – according to star, Brian Blessed.

During an interview with Edith Bowman on Yahoo! Movies earlier this year, the actor reportedly said: ‘The Queen, [Flash Gordon‘s] her favourite film, she watches it with her grandchildren every Christmas.’

Impersonating the monarch, he added: ‘You know, we watch Flash Gordon all the time, me and the grandchildren. And if you don’t mind, I’ve got the grandchildren here, would you mind saying ‘Gordon’s alive’?’

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the Queen may not have been able to keep up the tradition this month. According to a Palace insider, she will have a ‘quiet’ Christmas in Windsor with Prince Philip.

The post This is the Queen's favourite Christmas film and it's not what you'd expect appeared first on Marie Claire.

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